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Firemonkey Delphi Type for API Integration

지병철 2020. 3. 27. 17:13


Delphi Data Types for API Integration

Integer Data Types

Byte8-bit unsigned integerPByte
ShortInt8-bit signed integerPShortInt
Word16-bit unsigned integerPWord
SmallInt16-bit signed integerPSmallInt
Cardinal32-bit unsigned integerPCardinal

32-bit unsigned integer (32-bit Windows, OSX32, 32-bit iOS, and Android platforms)
64-bit unsigned integer (64-bit iOS and 64-bit Linux platforms)

FixedUInt32-bit unsigned integerPFixedUInt
Integer32-bit signed integerPInteger

32-bit signed integer (32-bit Windows, OSX32, 32-bit iOS, and Android platforms)
64-bit signed integer (64-bit iOS and 64-bit Linux platforms)

FixedInt32-bit signed integerPFixedInt
UInt6464-bit unsigned integerPUInt64
Int6464-bit signed integerPInt64
NativeUInt64-bit or 32-bit platform-dependent unsigned integerPNativeUInt
NativeInt64-bit or 32-bit platform-dependent signed integerPNativeInt

Floating-point Data Types

SingleSingle precision floating-point value (4 bytes)PSingleTSingleRec
DoubleDouble precision floating-point value (8 bytes)PDoubleTDoubleRec
ExtendedExtended precision floating-point value (10 bytes on Win32, but 8 bytes on Win64)
See page about multi-device applications.
RealAlias of DoubleN/AN/A

String and Character Data Types

AnsiCharANSI characterPAnsiChar
CharWide character (16-bit)PChar
WideChar16-bit characterPWideChar
AnsiStringRepresents a dynamically allocated ANSI string whose maximum length is limited only by available memory.PAnsiString
RawByteStringUse as a "codepage-agnostic" parameter to a method or function, or as a variable type to store BLOB data.PRawByteString
UnicodeStringUnicode stringPUnicodeString
StringAlias for UnicodeStringPString
ShortStringA string of maximum 255 charactersPShortString
WideStringA string of 16-bit charactersPWideString

File Data Types

FileFile descriptor
TextFileTextText file descriptor

Boolean Data Types

BooleanRepresents a logical value (true or false).PBoolean
ByteBoolRepresents an 8-bit logical value.
WordBoolRepresents a 16-bit logical value.PWordBool
LongBoolRepresents a 32-bit logical value.PLongBool

Other Data Types

ArrayRepresents an indexed collection of elements of the same type.
RecordRepresents a heterogeneous set of elements.
VariantRepresents values that can change type at run time.PVariant
PointerRepresents a pointer to data of any type.PPointer
CurrencyA fixed-point data type used to hold monetary values.PCurrency

See Also